Rainy sesom arrived.

Opened window, watching rain and green lieves, sitting on favorate chair with …Special sweets!


Steamed custard

Ingredients for 4 cups; A( milk 250cc, whipping cream 100cc), Rum, B(1 egg, 2 egg yolk, sugar 35g)

Put A in a small pot. Heat until body temperature. Add Rum. Remove from the heat.

In another small bowl mix B well.

Pour small amount of A into B,  mix well. Add more, mix well till all together.

Filter the mixture and pour into cups.

Boil water in big pot or  use steamer.

If the big pot, place  wire shelf for the cups above water.

By whichever way, for making flat surface, place a long chopsticks horizontally between the upper edge of the pot and cover. So there is narrow space between the pot and cover. Steam about 20 min till surface is done.


It can be eaten as hot or cool. I love hot one. It’s special treats.

Place bitter chocolate on it, when it has just finished cooking. Cover with wrap. The chocolate melts down as sauce. Eat when it is still warm.


Birds start singing. Sky is getting bright. It will stop raining.