You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2015.

‘I kept saying to my daughter ‘Try hard, you can make it’ until she bust into tears.

I didn’t know it hurts her. She thinks she can’t make it, give up, loose her way.’

My friend said with sigh.


ekapada raja kapotasanaEkapada Raja Kapotasana


is yoga pose I tried years and years.

Fingers were far away from toes.

Looked like it was for my next life.



when some understanding, strength comes,

I kept trying.


One day

fingertips touchs toes

Realize this is the way to be.


Keep studying. Keep working. Keep trying.

Maybe make it. Maybe not. That doesn’t matter.

On the way understanding comes, strength comes, transform comes

which is bliss, which is life.

Big tall old clock, Grandpa’s proud clock. Ticked his time for 100 years.

It was bought in his birthday morning, doesn’t tick anymore.

It had been ticking for 100 years all the way with Grandpa,

knew his happiness and sadness but now no more.

Its bell rung in midnight for let us know the time to say good-by.

Grandpa went up to heaven, said good-by to his clock.

Big tall old clock doesn’t tick anymore.

I love Japanese children’s song ‘Okina Hurudokei’, its lively bright tone.

Dad's watch

Someday we say good-by to our time, leave this body behind.

Until the day, keep ourselves well. Polish, oil the clock. Keep it ticking lively.

That’s good enough.


Time to step on my mat.


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