You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2014.

‘Congratulation. Result is excellent. You do well.’

By doctor’s words, my tension was gone immediately.

It was 5th year check after breast cancer treatment, meaning official recovery.

twin leaves

The years after the diagnosis is tough experience.

Still I recognize it is a very challenging practice, which sincere effort is needed,

which changed me from a flexible girl to a strong individual.

I’m proud of myself who went though with smiling and calmness, mostly.

Gratitude to my friends, teachers and my surroundings.


It’s a mile stone.

May each of us, our each day, each moment has life blissfully.


‘This is my favorite. But not so many restaurant make this.’

I complained over Chinese dishes.

‘Then you make it. You have fryer.’ My friend replied smiling.

Oh! Yeah. Why not?

Non-fried Tropical spring roll

Non-fried Tropical spring roll

Cut fresh mango into bars.

Spread spring roll skin.

Place mango, prawns, sesame paste and mayonnaise near a corner of skin.

Roll that corner once, cover the ingredients.

Fold two side corners towards center. Roll completely.

Spray oil on both sides. Heat Airfryer 200 degree. Place into basket.

Fry until crispy about 12 min.

Serve with fresh mint. Sprinkle black pepper.

Hurry up! Crunch! Wow hot yellow cream comes out!


I like chips.

But I regretted every time after finish them because of stomachache.

Now no regret but full enjoyment. Crunch crunch crunch until finish,,,  already?!




Non-fried veggie crisp

AirfryerPotato and lotus root

Cut into thin slice. Soak in water more than 10 min. Drain and dry them. Spray olive oil. Sprinkle sea salt.

Heat Airfryer 170 degree. Place veggie in its basket. Fry until crispy about 10 min.


Eringi, Asparagus, lady’s finger, carrot and etc.

Tear or cut, if it is needed. Spray olive oil. Sprinkle sea salt.

Heat Airfryer 180 degree. Place veggie in its basket. Fry until crispy about 10 min.


Sprinkle herbs, spice, seaweed as you like. Enjoy!


‘Oh! tired! I want more flexibility not muscles.’ a girl complained.

‘Developed muscles bring strength both in body and mind.

You will be strong. Then no one can bother you.’ I replied.


No one can change other person. Change comes of own accord.

Prasarita Paddotanasana


Weaker person is dragged by stronger person’s will, twisted and bent.

For being together force to be flexible.

Are you happy?

Ask not to drag, be gentle, please.

Does it work?


Change own being.

Develop muscles and flexibility in balance.

Be strong

with knowing how weaker person feel.

Be gentle to others.


Are you happy?

Yes. I am.


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